Cancer Quality of Life Survey

About the Survey

The Cancer Quality of Life Survey is a national survey run by NHS England. The survey is for people in England who have had a cancer diagnosis. People are invited to complete the survey around 18 months after diagnosis.

The aim of the survey is to find out how quality of life may have changed for people diagnosed with cancer. We want to see where care is working well or not so well, and if any new services are needed. To do this, we’re asking how people who have experienced cancer are feeling and comparing their answers with information about their cancer diagnosis and treatment. This will help us to improve the way we support people to live as long and as well as possible.

We have hired a company called Quality Health to send out the survey invitations and collect answers to the survey.

Where can I find out more?

You can find more information about the survey and answers to frequently asked questions under Information for Patients or Information for Healthcare Staff. An explanation of how your data is used for the cancer registration purposes, including this survey, can be found in the Privacy Notice from the National Disease Registration Service, which is part of NHS England. For information about contacting the Information Commissioner, please visit:

Who has approved this survey?

The Cancer Quality of Life survey has been evaluated by the Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) and has met the required assurance quality criteria. You can see the survey among the list of current approved national information standards and data collections recognised by DAPB.